
Business Women’s Appetite for New Forms of Financial Services

Education loans During the course of the financial diaries project, we discussed many different types of loans with the respondents, who were all clients of either BRAC or MFIL. We approached the topic from different angles. Sometimes we discussed their financial challenges first and in a participatory way found out which type of loans might […]

What is it Like to be Part of a Microfinance Group?

The financial diaries process gave us a chance to hear from microfinance clients how they experience the services provided via the group. End of October ’18 (so roughly three-quarters into the research) we asked a wide range of questions about their experiences as microfinance clients. So here goes, ‘Everything you ever wanted to know about […]

Esther’s Research Experience: The Ups and Downs of Working in an Urban and Peri-urban Setting in Uganda

It all began in August 2016 when L-IFT started its legendary Financial and Energy Diaries in Uganda (FEDU); I was one of the lucky ones to be selected as a researcher. The team had researchers from Eastern, far Eastern, Central, and Western Uganda. It started with training on how the research will be conducted using […]

Do Better-off People Have Higher Financial Literacy? By Maria Helmrich

Hearing the term financial literacy can often be intimidating, though really it is not as complicated as it seems. It is not necessarily about understanding complicated financial statements. It is simply the knowledge that we use to make financially responsible decisions; mostly to avoid over-indebtedness. There are some typical questions that are asked in order […]

Anthony’s Experience Working as a Researcher

As the faithful readers of L-IFT’s blog know, L-IFT started its Financial and Energy Diaries in Uganda (FEDU) project in August 2016 by interviewing 2,109 people for its baseline. From October 16 until April 17, L-IFT’s 25 researchers and 4 supervisors conducted the FEDU with 588 respondents. These respondents were interviewed every other week resulting […]

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